I have designed my own particular face covering to defend myself against Covid 19. You may spot certain weaknesses in the design of my original concept. I can tell you that it is no more effective than facemasks. A Covid 19 virus ( actually quite a useful worker in the body) has no trouble getting through all round the side of masks aided by the ingress or explanation of air. These viruses are very small as I have mentioned so I thought I would make a small contribution to society which I intend to mass produce and see how many people are stupid enough to wear them.
Off to Bath to take Françoise to have a tooth removed, the one in the front top, and have it replaced. By some miracle I got her an appointment at very short notice at Wellsway Dental Practice in Bath.

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Whilst she was in the surgery I went for a wander around and saw this leaflet which impressed me quite a lot. It shows me that the locals are looking after each other and have got themselves organised.
I went to get a coffee for the takeaway variety made a mistake as I discovered of asking for soya milk which according to a report by my digestive system contains some artificial chemicals. I will get it right one of these days. I love Bath stone. I spotted a sign of Halloween in the window of an adjacent house.
Françoise emerged in a semi-anaesthetised state and found it very difficult to talk because she had a tooth in an unfamiliar position; she was told that it would take a few days for the new brain connections to be made.
Our weekly ZOOM meeting to discuss Covid went very well. We had 12 people. Evidently in Spain the conditions are far worse than here in the UK. Everyone without exception has to wear a mask in the street and police are going round with smug smiles equipped with guns and batons. All this for a virus that stopped being dangerous about five months ago. Is there any limit to what the public will put up with?