We visited London between Thursday 17th June and Monday 21st June. The bus from Bath left 11.10 am and traveled the long route to Swindon (long diversion) and then Heathrow. Travel time the best part of four hours.
The last time we went the cost for the two of us was £25. This time it was £59.60. The train is about double that (£100 plus) so we think of what we would spend the saved money on. Buses are very sociable places and we often chat with others even in these Covid times.
To the Hotel, Premier Inn, in Haverstock Hill. I like a base for activities. We are staying for four nights. The first thing I do is arrange all my stuff in a familiar way. Its a bit like setting up home – in miniature. We discovered that the air-conditioning had failed so that was why the corridors were so steamingly hot and the ‘air conditioners’ did not work. Even with the windows open, fresh air did not come in. This affected our ability to have a good night’s sleep. This explains why the prices were so reasonable.
We had a large influx of very strapping men with kilts. Scotland was playing football.
We planned to visit my sister and brother in law in South Croydon, an old friend in N21 (miles away)who we met on the Heath, A long established friend at the Army and Navy club in Waterloo, an old friend in Leatherhead, lunch in Swiss Cottage with my oldest friend of 55 years, and finally two friends in Dulwich involving a visit to Dulwich Art Gallery and then a Greek Restaurant.
I have focused on advertising hoardings as this is a good indicator of how people are thinking, or not thinking. We will start with those and then move on.
How dare they invent such misleading nonsense.
Is this supposed to make someone more attractive? Please.
common sense advertising – well done
Top of the range beef in a VERY expensive Hampstead shop (photographed at 2am on a night wander)
Some 20’s surrealist art in the Dulwich Art Gallery