Month: February 2024

Why do I bother listening to the ‘News’? plus Ladybird Books Exhibition

Why do I bother to watch the news particularly in the morning? I'm getting sick of the repetition, the hypocrisy, the partial truths or the plain and simple lies and the sheer exhaustion of listening to people interrupting each other trying to score points. I have had enough. Instead, I have decided to start my day as from now with Trans World Radio which is a Christian broadcasting station...

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Public Service – the World Health Organisation – spring flowers

  My digestive problems continue. Yesterday I had a talk with my friend about bread. so as a result I decided to cut out all bread with the exception of baguettes. I shall also refrain from drinking wine, red, and also coffee. Strangely I can drink latte without any effect. Also I still tend to eat like a teenager and have far bigger portions than I really need so I'm trying to cut that...

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Is bread poisonous? – captivating videos

Conversation with a dietician about bread Me - Even at my senior age my interest in learning does not diminish, in fact it increases. Friend - Me too, I am always very keen to learn more Me yes it never ends you see that's the wonderful thing. Friend -  when we die we don't stop learning. There is no end to it. Me - I'm really sad that I may have to give  up eating bread. Because you see the the...

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What I actually did today – VideoFest

This morning I went with Françoise to start the day by having breakfast at Wetherspoons. The mornings before 9:30 is blessed because there are very few people there, service is vast, and there is blessed silence so I can read my messages, drink my one or perhaps two cups of coffee if I feel like it and contemplate my day .I was having a discussion with my friend this morning about who to trust....

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Our church service, the devil, and temptation

This was the organized part of our church service this morning run by our two affable leaders. Their style is definitely impromptu, 'make it up as you go along', but it seems to work so who is complaining. One of the reasons I like this church is that you can go along without dressing up. I like to wear a hat or cap in my case so I do and no one even notices it Today's Vineyard Church was...

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Frome Christian Mens Group meeting

As you may know I have featured hundreds of posters since I started this diary. Some are on the mark and some are not. The above gives a very powerful visual message about what correct advice can do. I saw it in the church hall in which we had our men's breakfast this morning Up early this morning to attend the Christian men's breakfast in Frome. It is always a pleasure to meet articulated...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,142 words across 1,645 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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February 2024