Are we using one word or phrase when another would be more appropriate? The history of inter, a transitive verb is a prefix occurring in loan words from Latin, where it meant “between,” “among,” “in the midst of,” “mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during”
There is a homophone. The history of inter as a verb is also in another category. “to bury in the earth or a grave,” c. 1300, formerly also enter, from Old French enterer (11c.), from Medieval Latin interrare “put in the earth, bury,” from in- “in” (from PIE root *en “in”) + Latin terra “earth” (from PIE root *ters- “to dry”).
Inter – in current usage means ‘between’ and a lot can happen between people in their interactions. However, the etymology begs the question if we bury (inter) the matter in the earth or if we face it out in the open.
This link word is used freely in English associated with between, among, during, in the midst of, so it is quite flexible in current usage.
Interrupt – to restrain, stop, divert whatever is going on with another purpose in mind. At public meetings it can be interrupted by hecklers who are not so much interested in allowing the speaker to continue but to allow their own point of view which may be at odds with the point of the meeting to be heard. You cannot ask to interrupt something by its very nature. With programs and planning, you can have uninterrupted programs where there are no commercials. That is due to a policy decision to allow people peace and has nothing to do with mal-intent.
Intervene – we most commonly see and intervention in times of war or on a local level a person or group intervenes to physically come between disputing people and groups with the aim of doing some mediation even if not very cerebral in the first instance. The aim of intervention is to avoid escalation to something worse so it could be seen as a peacemaking venture
Interaction – normally on the physical level or emotional , of immediate effect, two or more parties taking part, reciprocity, equality. This is a no nonsense pragmatic down to earth word
Interpose – this is more commonly associated with physical things which are placed between something for example a barrier or obstacle. It is not as simple as placing something which is not a strong enough word. We are placing an object or even stepping in between two or more interests that might conflict with each other. In the manner of speaking and in conversation it is a remark by way of an interruption that is a more polite version
Interject – I can interject a clarification of a statement and it is more a tactical thing. It will be unusual to do a long interjection with for example a parliamentary speech
Interfere – this implies a certain malice. You could interfere with a mechanism to make sure it doesn’t work in the way intended and would probably annoy some people. Can also interfere in matters that are nothing to do with you in people’s personal lives, often called meddling. You can interfere with at least in the English sense which can mean two molest sexually
Interpolate – to introduce something additional between other things or parts. It will also has a mathematical meaning, to insert, estimate or find an immediate term in a sequence of numbers
Interrogate – their certainly is a relationship here but involving a degree of force, often going against the wish of the person questioned to remain private or secret about a particular matter. Interrogation is related to torture in times of war, and the illegality of ones actions with regard to the police
Interment – the act of burying or depositing something in the ground
and, of course , intercourse. Everyone thinks they know what this means but the word comes from the Old French entre-cours – meaning exchange. The specifically sexual use arose in the late 18th century. It goes back even further, from the Latin intro-‘, “into”, + mission, “sending”, from Latin missio, from perfect passive participle missus, “sent”, from verb mittere, “send”, + noun of action. The original use of the word has become obsolete.
I suppose we can squeeze this one in
Infringe – which is to commit a breach of protocol. You can infringe a copyright or infringe a rule. You can infringe on someone’s privacy which means encroaching or trespassing on it. It is normally a stealthy approach.
The internet – And, most obvious of all, the internet which is in theory the neutral linking of one set of facts or opinions to many others; the ultimate level playing field, the open house for all information anywhere.
Our moral compass – more chats with John
Brian: When when we speak about God within us and Jesus within us it’s quite interesting to know what that actually means. Is it something with a DNA? Have people always had God within them? Surely there must have been if they were human so what did Jesus do? Did he give us an extra blast or something to everyone?
John: To some who were right next to Jesus he affected them directly but for the majority of the population he affected all sorts of environmental factors so he was sort of loaded psychologically in such a way that people would use it to steer their compasses.Those words you see in the Bible of course now with the Pope’s blessing they’re going to turn them all into common sense for you. We can look forward to an understandable Bible which is gender neutral.
Brian: I can’t wait. One of my favorite phrases is that ‘We are all members one of another etc. You try and find that in the latest versions and it’s somehow disguised.
John: You’ve got to bear in mind that as society is based on average content and average moralistic view those are not necessarily going to put your compass in a true north. It might be some degrees off, although looking good along the perspective of the line, it’s not good according to the perspective of the increase in empathy.
If we are to be diametrically opposite to entropy, which is pointing the needle north to back from when we came is a trickier thing than it seems. That’s why you need certain values which are effectively sacrosanct, and in the Bible Jesus mentioned a lot of these.
Brian: They’re trying to do a ‘nudge unit’ to nudge the compass off.
John: So with something like the Crusade you’ve got Christianity actually pointing the needle south. They said “we are all Christians and therefore everybody else has got to die” It was just a complete misunderstanding of the whole thing.
Brian: it’s a bit like we’re on an island with the water slowly coming up and no one notices until it reaches their ankles.
John: More like the Titanic. It’s actually moving. Entropy is moving it away from you unless you’ve gone ahead of it already.
Brian: I was watching at three o’clock this morning a personal testimony about about near death experiences. The NDE subject said he (temporarily) passed over and met all sorts of people, then they told him to go back. He said during the months following he got very depressed because he so much wanted to be in ‘heaven’ as he called it, but he had to return and finish his work. I find if I listen to about a dozen of these testimonies, all of who bear the same features, it’s enormously comforting and cheering.
John: I have actually listened to hundreds.