Results for "cheddar"

Old Habits return – off to Cheddar Car Boot sale

A lovely bright morning but cutting winds from the east. Unfortunately this month of April, the growing season in allotments, has been unusually dry. Anyway, Françoise and I needed to escape from our confinements and so w set off to Cheddar car boot sale.   I have written about this many times before (do a search). The car park was as full as I had ever seen it.  I always say I will buy nothing...

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Return to Cheddar car boot sale – Early Doors Cider Barn adapts

I must admit I'm not too keen on going to church this morning so we decided as a very unspiritual alternative to go along to the car boot sale at Cheddar about which I have written many times. There were quite a few people there but not many people buying and I heard three or four stallholders complaining of lack of business. I don't think people are in the mood. We went to the side of the cider...

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First visit to Cheddar Car boot event this year

Last evening we went to a lovely summer solstice celebration with two friends. We had a barbecue and lovely rice bread which I haven't had before. A couple of bottles of champagne can lighten the mood quite significantly. The host of the event proposed that we say something nice about other people in terms of our observations. She said that it was quite difficult to listen to positive stuff. I...

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A truly remarkable day of sport – a tired Cheddar Car boot fair

I don't think we shall ever see the like of today, Sunday 14th of July, again. We had the epic men's singles final at Wimbledon, success in ladies netball, Lewis Hamilton winning the UK Formula One event and most of all the crazy thrill a minute 20-20 championship game of cricket between England and New Zealand which went beyond the last ball.  I was trying to do other things but kept on being...

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Off to Cheddar Boot fair

Snobs - do not read this. I absolutely love outdoor (or indoor) boot fairs, jumble sales, anything where you can pick up a bargain for 50p and maybe find the unexpected. Although the big Cheddar boot fair goes on rain or shine all year I prefer to go when the weather is clement so the weather being fine and promising off we went. I as usual was determined not to buy anything but of course I did....

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Sunday Pt. 1 – the pictorial low-down on the Cheddar Carboot

Friday 23 September 1664 ...Pepys writes....My cold and pain in my head increasing, and the palate of my mouth falling, I was in great pain all night. My wife also was not well, so that a mayd was fain to sit up by her all night....Dined with little heart at noon...So home, and late reading “The Siege of Rhodes” to my wife, and then to bed, my head being in great pain and my palate still down....

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