I had an excellent experience with the Christian men's group in Frome today, more to come in another newsletter. I must say the quality of males in such groups is in another league from the type of people I find in Midsomer. I'm not saying that they don't exist, it's just that I have not found them yet in a group and certainly not in a Christian group. Church groups consists mainly of ladies of...
Results for "wells"
Wells visit – What is the difference between a tourist and a traveler?
I had the answer today following a chance encounter in the museum of Wells with a mixed race couple. She was from Birmingham and he was from I'll take a guess the Caribbean. But let us start from the beginning. On our allotment in Midsomer the committee decided to have a 'clearing day' where anyone could bring their refuse and put it in a pile possibly for burning but more likely for taking...
Combined visit to Glastonbury and Wells
Not often that you have a blazing log fire when the temperature is 25 degrees but that is the custom in chalice well when I and Françoise went to join the celebration of Lammas which is to do with the first harvests. I found the numbers were considerably lower then last time but in a way that was a relief and I had one or two meaningful conversations. One was with a German who was camping in...
Day trip to Wells Somerset
To Wells with our visiting friend. You never know what you're going to find so great is the rate of change these days. The cathedral is charging 14 pounds to enter and this is valid for one year but as I pointed out most visitors will only be able to attend one time so the annual validity is a academic interest only. The same thing for the Bishop's Gardens. They are very wonderful but not worth...
Various horrors + The Wells Carnival.
We are watching actual genocide in you know where. I don't want to become a political whinger and complainer but this chart shows the damage being done in terms of statistics. Is it a 'hate crime' to object to this indeed to be repulsed by it? As a human being with feelings, I do not like to see other human beings suffering. <fanfare of trumpets> I can 'empathize!!!! Empathy??? What is...
Visit to Wells for music and recreation
The bombardment continues I switched on the TV this morning about 7:30 and tuned in to Al Jazeera which is about the only impartial media I know of. There are four main hospitals in the Gaza strip and the Israelis have now moved in to continuously bomb the main hospital itself and as a result there is no food, no water, electricity, no safety going from point A to point B nowhere to bury the...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,637,472 words across 1,758 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703