My Somerset Life
Brian Snellgrove
Latest Entries
What is a Christian Evangelist, or is it ‘evangelist’
How can we be an effective evangelist? The association with the word and the Christian gospel is very strong. The word evangelist means the bringer of good news and it comes from the Greek euangelion, a compound of two...
Planning ahead for an event – some guide lines
On the occasion of my birthday in June I'm going to have a specialist networking event for those who dwell naturally in the spheres beyond the material level and are focused on the more existential questions such as...
Is it time to have a grand clear-out of my stuff?
I ask myself, is this a New Year's resolution that will bite the dust after a couple of weeks but I really do need to clear out and get rid of my stuff. In the illustration above I have laid out all my CDs. You...
The art of listening – by Ernest Hemingway
I very seldom copy and paste something which I believe but Earnest Hemingway has got it so spot on it says everything I want to say and more. This comprises part of my theme for 2025 of which I will write about more in...
Renaissance or the end of human beings – what will 2025 bring
I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this in Sainsbury's; they just about get away with it. This is supposed to be a diary but since the politics is so overbearing on all aspects of our life it is difficult to...
Images from Xmas in London you may not find elsewhere
I've just come back from staying with my sister in Croydon and in contrast to my last visits which you can read about we stayed at home and only went out for one day. This was partly because Francoise was not able to...
A quiet Christmas – like many people’s?
Conclusion - not much 'happened' but what events did in fact transpire ruled the day. ( Trans pire this word had an early sense of "emit as vapor through the surface"—from trans-, "through," and spirare, "breathe."...
A fresh look at loneliness
(Written prior to my trip to London) I have visited the problem of loneliness quite a few times since I started writing in 2016 you may find the articles referred to by typing in the search key 'loneliness' or...
What Can George Michael (WHAM) teach us?
Today Christmas Day is the 8th anniversary of the passing of George Michael who died on Christmas day 2016. I have been majorly influenced by pop singers and icons. I remember Tommy Steele, Bill Haley and the Comets,...
Thoughts on starting a new writers group
I am finally learning to respond to inspiration, or is it the normal working of a creative mind, that my projected meeting in January forming a local writer and journal / diary group is important and should come about....
‘I love words’ – Efficient vs proficient
I love words :-)) and I was prompted to define a word used at a coffee morning I have just attended. Whilst our beautiful England language lasts (though I would not give it more than a couple of generations) let us...
A truly lovely letter from a human being to me
This was from someone who had seen one of my videos and wanted to know more. We spoke briefly on the phone and I asked for his email. I do not know him. Oh that all humans could emulate this tone and caliber of...
Welcome to My Somerset Life
A dairy by Brian Snellgrove
1,614,057 words across 1,738 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703