What does it mean to be saved (by Jesus)

by | Nov 1, 2024 | Philosophy | 0 comments

Reading Time: 18 minutes
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As some of you know I have until recently been a member of an evangelical congregation by the name of the Vineyard Church. Internal politics shattered the framework of the local group structure and as a result people have been forced to look elsewhere for somewhere to worship.

A member of the congregation offered support “If I may be bold, I would like to help you Identify what you lack. ‘Baptism in the Holy Spirit’. I’m not saying you are not saved, or the Holy Spirit is not in you. The baptism is different from the first infilling when you received Jesus as your Lord and savior.

My initial reaction was that I lack tolerance of people who wave their arms about and ask for the Holy Spirit to come into them when it is already installed in us. My preferred methodology is meeting educated people on the same wavelength who also have a belief in God or a higher force. In this context we can discuss matters such as priorities, challenges with our faith with people who are pragmatic and who are aware of what’s going on in the world both inner and outer.

If I lack one thing above all others it is the benefit of stimulating company from people who are prepared to be honest and transparent with themselves. Testimonies of people who live a life of faith are hugely encouraging for me and move my spirit ten times more than ‘praising Jesus’ or asking Jesus ‘to come into our lives’. Also,  I do not ‘do’ hierarchies in any manner shape or form. These I associate with the Roman Catholic Church in the main but other denominations do the same. The only well known exception is the Quakers.

Evangelical people speak about being saved or being born again. What does this mean?  I think it is about a change in attitude. We realize that the material level is not the only level that we have to take into consideration when living our lives. It is about having faith in a dimension that our five senses do not touch though they interact.

Normally the use of the word ‘save’ is with regard to someone who is helpless for example a child who has fallen down or someone who is drowning at sea. It implies the people cannot help themselves. There is another use of the word save which is about saving money or saving time but I’m not talking about those meanings. The general sense of ‘rescue’ or ‘deliver’ or ‘save’ is from the late 15th century. The meaning – make amends for – is from the 1520s. Jesus – we read – lived a perfect life even until he was crucified so is ‘saving’ some sort of energetic code breaker or is it setting an example to us by the power of his love and example.

Is it about separating the illusion that materiality is all that there is and that we have universal connectiveness with others. I suppose you could say that being ‘born again’ means waking up to what is really going on. This causes a renewal of our spiritual side where we previously thought that things were important and then we’ve seen they are not.

To repent is to change your mind. You change your mind because you recognize that the path you were on was not productive in that it did not lead to peace of mind. Repenting involves a totally honest admittance or failings and shortcomings and thus the link to the eternal is established or reestablished. This is not possible at the same time as covering up emotional and spiritual difficulties because you think it is ‘not Christian’ to have such thoughts.

So the only people who can save us is ourselves through applying and knowledge and free will to our decision. I am not clear if the Holy Spirit gives us a leg up. I would like to say that the intrinsic awareness within us of the state of Unity between all human beings is freely available to us. This implies that it is normally ‘outside’ us. But how can that apply to an influence outside dimensionality?

So I can see that being saved involves

1. By the information and clues given by Jesus in his time on Earth
2. By some energy thing he did when he was on the cross.

There are two basic forces in the world; one tends to separate people and the other tends to unite people. Did Jesus have the keys through his teaching or should I say manufacturers instructions that if we follow them we counteract the world of entropy.

END OF MY ARTICLE. I discussed with a friend with the result below

BJ So do you have any comments on my writings. I wonder if I’m right about my concluding statement that we can either be saved for information given by Jesus or by some energy they needed when he was on the cross. I don’t think I understand the latter and that is my failing

Friend I don’t think you understand the former either

Information is not relevant when you are at higher dimensions. People get to that state in their meditations when they just ‘are’, a state of pure being. I got there and I finally understand what it’s like to be there to know, but knowing is not what we think it is. It’s an all-encompassing state. You don’t know things in that state. Knowing is not because nothing is extracted from it. It is pure in its essence.

There is no input to the state of being that’s why you call it ‘separate’ in the text. There’s no input, it’s just the state of being of life and consciousness. As an intellectual process nobody can understand it. I couldn’t understand it but I’ve just been there. You know when you’re in that condition you’ve reached this state where life, death everything becomes just one continuum.

BJ – so information is in way reduction ad absurdum.

Friend absolutely. It is information is the characteristic of the third dimension. No amount of information will ever get you one feeling.

BJ – should I say that the sayings of Jesus save us?

Friend We have to look at the concept of Jesus ‘saving’ you. Imagine you are in a swimming pool. There is you and there’s a swimming pool. There is ‘us’ and there is ‘consciousness’. This is the way we tend to perceive it actually the way you wrote it. There’s a difference between the consciousness. You didn’t know where the Holy Spirit was.

It’s the thing I became – in the water similar to being in a near-death experience. You become the water which has all the memory and all the support, and it works the same with light of course. If you become that you become part of it. If you’re a part of it then you are all of it because you’re within the all of it. If you remain a human being you are separate from it and therefore you are it viewing from separation so therefore you have got to effectively become what it is.

Jesus really represents what it is as exemplified through the way he lived his life but effectively he returned to the light itself in other words it’s not separate from it and that is the state of being that one accumulates to by one’s works either – and you quite rightly put – it’s either addition or subtraction so if you subtract you’re never going to get there and subtraction is delineated by increasing information.

So information is in fact the opposite of what people think it is, so knowledge is not an accumulation of information. Knowledge is this ‘knowing state of all together which contains the potential for information because again if you look at the context of information it is already a duality.

It is already either a zero or a one in its essence. And therefore, it’s not complete so it must have come from a potential to either be a zero or a one. That potential is what we call this quantum cloak.

BJ so information can never be complete

Absolutely,  and therefore chasing it like scientists and mathematicians do is chasing the carrot. You can never get there. There’s only one piece of information missing from all the information in the universe and that’s the knowledge of consciousness which holds it all together and from which it is derived. All information is derived from consciousness. Science is going around saying that consciousness if you gather up enough information you can make it conscious. It’s the opposite. It’s impossible. Everything they’re trying to do is currently impossible. In the end.

So, all the AI’s they are human simulations. They are algorithms written by people by conscious beings to get a program to respond in ways that a conscious being would respond. There is no decision-making processing in the machine.  You need to be in the same state as where you want to be. So if you want to KNOW and BE like my recent NDE when I saw the edge of you have to BE that like on a default basis.  So, if you’ve got attendant things like magnetic potentials, in other words materialistic tendencies of any form, and you try to explain things such as materialism like these people you’re talking about do, you cannot explain something like Jesus – the concept of Jesus – within these restricted parameters.

Jesus cannot save you as you quite rightly put that. Only you can save yourself by being in the state.  Jesus is really a reference point like a bus timetable to save you because it saves you time or a map saves you time. It’s not dynamically doing anything. It can’t because in terms of humanity it cannot interfere with free will. And that was one of the main messages of that movie Arisen that I pointed out.

We cannot ever touch free will so you cannot go around … you can teach people all you want but basically all you can do is present them with the information. You cannot make a judgment on who they are based on how much they know.

BJ When you say get them information are you’re saying intimation?  You surely don’t want to get them information

Friend We have got to work in the world of information but we can use information to resolve itself rather than expand itself. You can actually get to the roots of what information has done to separate, so for example we can solve racism by saying that when you die there aren’t any races. That’s a piece of information that actually reverses entropy.

BJ So the way you talk to people should be to get them out that the informational trap because you’re looking at from another level.

Friend We can use information to make it logical within that sense because you’re in that state of being so there is a logical path back to the vector potential. Effectively you become a potential for all things. When you ARE that then you’re in the same environment as Jesus or heaven and you effectively then merge with it otherwise you don’t fit.   You fit where you are. That is why the universe is full of these places where each of us fits.

BJ – what did Jesus do on the cross.  I don’t think it’s that relevant because he lasted that long in a state of love so he could have been shot. Basically, he didn’t end up by cursing anyone.

Friend he probably became congruent with that place I was telling you I mean where I got to (NDE) was nowhere near as far as he got. Jesus went the whole way. So basically, what we got to do effectively to forge – because this earth is surrounded by a magnetic field and it’s full of information if you forget this key factor, for example that the human race at that point had forgotten as we now have.

The thing is that the pathway of least force starts to get filled up with force itself which means that you can only go – you have no option but to die and then drift across to this other so-called interface with where there’s ‘knowing’ I was talking about occurs, and then maybe drift and that can take years in terms of time and that can be an arduous pathway.

What He really did was having gone through the whole lot was to actually put within the crystal structure of the Earth and its magnetic field a pathway for people when they die if they are congruent with that state that they can actually pass straight to it rather than have to visit all of the individual bits of the pathway.

BJ – what about the poor people who were born before Jesus came. Did they suffer a disadvantage?

Friend – they were not suffering. They could still get there. It’s just that the post-Christ scenario is a much faster pathway. That is why you start to get a bottleneck of people waiting to incarnate and that’s why the population increases so much

BJ  decreases

Friend now decreasing there’s no decreasing but that’s only because of entropy, because of evil. There’s a vast number of people out there trying to get into life but we’re killing them faster than they can come in.  We’re killing at least 150 million a year in abortion. I mean the death rate is staggering and therefore all these people have got to wait to get into human form and are coming through any niche they can. This is why gender goes out the window all of these different things. They all start to break down in terms of their logical progressions.

BJ  –  I don’t believe in the portrayal of the second coming. They were expecting that in the first century.  Is Jesus going to say ‘all this free will stuff – forget about it’. it’s all a load of rubbish.

Friend – You cant do it.

BJ – I think the second coming has got to be earned.

Friend I think the second coming is your realisation of what it really means i.e. what the first coming meant.

BJ – so there can be a whole load of second comings to each individual.

Friend – that is the realizations that expand your view, but expanding your view is not the same as increasing information. Information is a materialistic thing. Knowledge or knowing is a state of being.  Thought itself is a state. I experienced that the other day absolutely staggering because I’ve never really understood it. I could describe it. I never felt it but I have now.

BJ  You may remember Steve Jobs just before he passed all he said was wow wow wow. That was when he found out. I think what you’ve gone through is actually a great privilege.

Friend – When I had my NDE I was not scared at all. Each experience is different. This one was phenomenally clear even though I didn’t cross over into a place similar to most near death experiences but I caught the edge, where all information sort of disappears into this continuum as you transit as pure conscious – you become aware that consciousness is everything. It is an amazing feeling.

Waiting on Jesus to come again. All of this is fallacy. Its all misinterpretation by Christians that have materialized the whole concept. Religion itself is a bad thing in its way because it’s trying to order people’s minds and therefore take away their free will by making you conform to a system. Thing is that you know agenda 2030 you are expected to conform to and it’s the same thing. You have to respect the individuality of all people.

BJ – Well when I was at Chalice Well recently celebrating Samhein or whatever it’s called I said to a lady out of the blue without expecting it I said ‘look there’s as many universes as there are people’ and that’s struck her for some reason because we’ve all departed from God in various ways so we’ve all got to get back in our own unique way.

Friend This is your problem really, no one has departed from anything. You are God just observing from separation. There’s no place to go back to. You are it already. That’s the point about this going back and ‘being saved’. It’s just a congruence of state.  Whatever state you’re in is where you are.  If you change your mind as you quite rightly said and you expand your knowing rather than your information away from materialism then you become – you’ve just become that.

BJ – But the programming of the world -of the information world – is that we can’t prove them and we had to be guilty at least and ignorant.

Friend – that’s the prison that holds you. That’s what holds the evangelicals. That’s why religion when you’re analyse it is a terrifying thing . In other ways it’s a very good thing because people go around and help each other at the basic level.  You have got an awful lot of Christians who are very helpful. They don’t care about the beliefs of other people; they just help them anyway. That is a good thing to do but when you start putting on vestments and ‘I come between God and you’ then the problems start.

BJ – the people in the evangelical group are taking away their own power by asking some bloke to come along and zap them.

Friend – That’s what people want because they don’t want to be responsible. If you take responsibility, you won’t do this sort of hierarchical stuff about requiring a boss or being subservient.

BJ – As a natural anarchist should see that but even then, I’ve been programmed I must admit.

Friend – we all have to an extent.  I mean a lot of people find security in being told what to do because they feel safer within than having to make these decisions for themselves. That’s why they are succumbing and giving up their will because they don’t think they’ve got it anyway now.

BJ – My greatest blessing is to go around like I had Heaven on Earth yesterday because When at Chalice Well I went around just talking to complete strangers, giving the lots of unconditional love, cheering them up making jokes. I felt like I was floating on air. My evangelical friends say that what goes on in Glastonbury is evil but that’s where I part company with them.

Friend – what they are doing is also evil.  Any type of materialism could be considered evil because it’s not expanding, it’s not adding it’s just  – bear in mind you say you can either go down in other words you can subtract or you can add, but bear in mind you can just do enough to stay the same but you have still got to add to stay the same because  entropy takes you downwards. The evangelicals are in the same boat as the so-called evil people.

BJ – Well I mean take Muslims and Jews and they’re even worse because they think they’re the chosen ones and everyone else is …

Friend – their religions have got some phenomenally good things to them in terms of their principles but people’s interpretations of those principles have led to a bunch of guys over in Israel now they’re going on about holocausts and things like that when what are they doing at the moment? they are getting rid of anyone they don’t like.  you’ve got to bear in mind that they only believe in the first five books at the Bible and in the first five books God said ‘go and kill everybody in the Middle East’ and they seem to still carry on the habit.

BJ – They got rid of the chief surgeon at one of the hospitals in the Gaza strip I think and they call that a victory you know but they they’re completely convinced that everything they do is justified. It’s just horrible.   Be ‘in the world and not of it’ is a tough call.  I have given myself permission to start imperfectly and then intermesh with your ideas and hopefully we will make a clearer picture which is all we can do.

Friend – With regard to my near death experience, every time I nearly die I get these really really fascinating experiences but this experience of just ‘being’ rather than having any input or output is a phenomenal feeling to have. It’s quite amazing.

BJ – So people in this category are called by others ‘airheads’ and actually they’re not airheads; they’re just doing things as well as we should do but some are. Some are just stupid. However, it’s the people who smile all the time. They get on my nerves.

Friend – they a lot of these Christian types, they stereotype themselves into these sort of beneficent people and they’re not, they’re actually doing harm.

BJ – I think you do harm by not talking about the things that come up because you don’t want to be seen as less than perfect.

Friend – The phrase ‘to be seen’ you mentioned the word that what are those people understand about really what it’s like.  They do not have a clue so their opinions are based on highly restricted viewpoints and therefore it’s like my dog giving me a sideways look saying ‘I don’t like that’. Are you really going to take any notice of it?  You’ve been talking in conceptual terms that are far wider than these people can take on because they are dogmatic, and Dogma is AI.

Friend – in the context of saving, you cannot save anyone you can only be there for them. If they’re not saveable, if they are too restricted to see what you’re trying to be like we’re all too restricted to see what the concept of Jesus really is, you can’t merge with the water or the light. If you can’t move with a light then you are different and therefore you can’t be saved. Saved is just becoming ‘it’ but it comes from you because you’ve got the free will, but if you abrogate the free will to other people in terms of a hierarchy you are really lost if you do that.

BJ so you can save yourself and then unsave yourself the next moment.

Friend The whole thing is all of that,  what our universe is;  the melting pot for those two conceptual frames to mix

BJ  I think repetition is important because if the default is towards conscious and oneness then the result will be evolution.

Friend –  then the act of repetition reprogrammes the brain but knowledge is independent. That’s why you’re identified it correctly as being independent because you got several things reporting to you but the consciousness itself is fully you.  Every other bit like the brain and the mind – they’re consequences – they’ve been driven by that consciousness to live in this world and therefore they are programmed.

The brain is a computer but the computer is being activated and then reporting to consciousness and consciousness is running it therefore free will allows you to control a brain to control the body to actually operate in the third dimension

BJ –  so the seven deadly sins of the best way of keeping you in three dimensions

Friend – sin is restriction, in other words lack of knowledge

BJ – these evangelicals are profoundly ignorant and defensive

Friend – and that’s why they come up with evil to defend what they call ‘good’ because they’re so confused. It doesn’t make sense. What the man said in the placebo book is on the road to where I perceive, that same type of thing.

I think people they spend an awful lot of time trying to get to that state by removing things from their consciousness, but you know when you do the things like I did nearly die when you are at the edge you bypass all of that. It certainly allows you to ‘see’ and that stays with you, that vision.

BJ – I went to a men’s group talk last night and the speaker told us a story about an editor of some quite important newspaper who said ‘you’re invited me around to the pub for a talk and we talked absolute drivel but it was great’. I thought that there’s something to this.

Friend –  that’s called banter. Just being with each other and having fun being conscious together but now they’ve got rules that you’re not allowed to do that anymore.

BJ – you can’t even think, you can’t even pray as you will be arrested. Poor old Tommy Robinson.

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