My goodness look how our language is derived. Here are a few sentences from the start of a speech on ‘common Law’ that jumped into my IN box. Whether or not it is true, partly true, or fantasy it makes me think of word origins.
I’ve just been sent a copy of this video by the Gary Fraughen entitled ‘Common Law.’ Which is so refreshing to hear someone who walks their talk, who doesn’t have a financial agenda, who will give a book away if you can’t afford it and who really believes in what they are saying.
“Take marriage for example. You’ve been through a horse breeding ceremony.
# What do you need to control a horse? You need a Groom
# The mare is looked after by the groom and controlled with headgear. Its called ‘bridal wear.
# if the horse becomes uncontrollable she’s a night mare.
# if the three trimesters don’t happen and there’s nothing in the carriage it’s a miscarriage.
# at weddings it’s all horse shoes – nothing to do with luck it’s to do with animal husbandry.”
Gary is a loyal contributor to the UKColumn, one of the few real news information sites that I really trust and which has an impeccable reputation probably because they are funded only by private donations I invite you to watch this video, 20:10, to refresh your soul. To my ears it is music.
A rant
Today I went through the motions of filling in my self employed tax return. It made me a bit sick thinking of the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer saying that she wants to reduce expenditure by 5% at the same time as the government is
# trashing the farming industry and producing daft unresearched figures of those to be affected
# continuing to allow refugees to lie and cheat their way into the UK, nay encouraging them
# depriving pensioners of their winter fuel allowance as a first act
# promising not to raise taxes and then doing so
# giving billions in foreign aid to countries that do not need it,
# concocting hair brained pseudo science schemes for capturing carbon, showing a complete ignorance of the real science of the importance of carbon dioxide as nature’s fertilizer,
# plugging and subsidizing electric cars without doing the math on the actual energy involved in making the cars, and the impossibility of consisting that the public buy cars that they do not perceive as having value certainly in the second-hand market.
# threatening to tax them neat year 2025.
# blaming all adverse events on climate change
# limiting cars to 20 mph in London, as if that would make any positive difference
# additive to our milk t h firm Arla Food adding Bovaer with the averred reason of causing cows to emit less methane as if that would make any difference to anything. See scientific notes in the above article link
# in general, doing things without asking us, the great unwashed
# Lying – through the front teeth or back teeth – what’s the difference
# The Prime Minister spending his time smoozing up to the great and the good? 16 Foreign trips since July 24?
# Once more, EVERYTHING from the Govt. is either a lie or a coverup for a lie. People who lie are called LIARS
If you want another rant, here is a political one by Stu Peters about Israel and the new war on Syria. 04:22
I just wonder what has happened to thinking. Are people too scared to think, I ask myself.
For some reason today I find myself quite angry and ranting about things that don’t make any sense at all. I am ‘venting’ as they say. Do I feel better for having vented? It does help a little.