A return to The Bath Society of Artists Exhibition

by | Jan 9, 2025 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Before this wonderful exhibition closes this Saturday we had to go alone take another look and this time there was another explainer (see my previous entry)  by the name of  Dessanka who started her talk by welcoming us and warning us that we may run over the allotted half hour slot. We did in fact in slightly over the hour and that was because she knew an awful lot about painting and artists.

I found myself taking a very active part in the comments even going outside my already enlarged comfort zone but people took me up on it and they started making comments themselves. I continue to think that the British are too introverted for their own good.

I found that I knew more about art than I realized and this is because the thousands of artworks I have viewed all around the world have sunk into my subconscious and I understand more than I realized that I do. Anyway below are some of the delightful works and they must stand on their own without the need for commentary I feel.

these are so realistic they nearly jumped out of the canvas at me

Before this wonderful exhibition closes this Saturday we had to go alone take another look and this time there was another explainer by the name of Ms. Dessanka Rowell who started her talk by welcoming us but warning us that we may run over the allotted half hour slot. We did in fact run to slightly over the hour and that was because she knew an awful lot about painting and artists.

I found myself taking a very active part in the comments even going outside my already enlarged comfort zone but people took me up on it and they started making comments themselves. I continue to think that the British are too introverted for their own good.

I found that I knew more about art than I realized and this is because the thousands of artworks I have viewed all around the world have sunk into my subconscious and I understand more than I realized that I do. Anyway below are some of the delightful works and they must stand on their own without the need for commentary I feel.

I think but if everyone kept a diary there would be far less depression. To keep a diary you have to be separate for other people and yet to receive encouragement you need to be together with others that is why friends and contacts are important and furthermore those on the same wavelength.

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