Giving effective requested advice 

by | Jan 12, 2025 | Latest Post | 1 comment

Reading Time: 5 minutes

I have just done a psychic reading this morning which I combine with pendulum dowsing or divining. I very much rely on ideas that pop into my head from nowhere when listening to someone given account of their life and for the most part it seems to work.

Sometimes what I say doesn’t seem to make any sense at all but it seems to make sense to my client. It is important to keep the subjective side out of it for example saying ‘well if I were you’ I would do this. The point is you are not them and their lives are not yours. The choice for anything they do or not to do lies with them.

I see my job is to make the way straight by asking questions, a bit like a coach, to ask them what would happen if you did this come up on what would happen if you did not do this. We are encouraging people to examine the extremes of behavior even though that behavior will not manifest in any form.

People ask me to prophesy or fortell how will I get on in a particular job? How do you see things in a year’s time? My response would be to ask how much chemistry there is between the two parties. It is more helpful to the client if you say what is likely to happen rather than what will happen because anything can change, in technical terms you could say one time line will be replaced by another, and someone can find themselves on a different track altogether.

People have a good instinct in what is rights for them and what they really value is confirmatory feedback from someone who has no vested interest and no knowledge of the people they are talking about. So if I’m asked whether an idea or combination of ideas or plans is a good one,  without drilling down on the detail I can only give a general view because of so many factors of what we call variables.

If you are in a position of influence and you mislead someone deliberately then that’s down to you in karmic terms. When I speak with someone professionally I either say or imply that they are responsible for their own decisions and all I can do is to be in the background and help them to attain clarity.

On a telepathic level,  I can communicate with anyone I choose so long as I have some sort of tag or name. This is part of the universal unconscious which binds us all and of which we are a part. My views are not better or worse than someone else, it’s just that I see things from a different point of view. I should add that in case anyone thinks I’m invading someone’s privacy they can block me if they don’t want to share anything so the law of free will still applies believe it or not

I like the term enlightenment because you are not only trying to help people with their problems directly, but shining light on situations that they may not be aware of. I find that even though some people know that they should be doing something, there is often a gap of weeks, months or years before they finally do the deed.

This is especially true with dysfunctional relationships. It’s almost like things have to get impossibly bad before  finally the person does something.

There are some questions that clients ask that are out of my remit.

For example I was asked if someone’s horse needed dental treatment. It was more useful to look at the horse as a living thing and I asked questions about their environment, their stimulation, whether they will be looked after properly and we found that indeed the horse had been neglected for the last few weeks and it was standing on its own in the field which I would not wish on any living thing.

If you cannot  answer a technical question then just say ‘I cannot answer’ or ‘this is outside my specialty’  and stick to what you’re good at. No one person can answer everything about everything so don’t even try.

Most important, we cannot overdevelop the art of listening. We are the cup in which people pour their thoughts and we should not expect coherence or linearity or logic but just allow these self-healing properties of the mind and the immense ability of the brain to work its magic while we are the bystanders in comparison.

I believe we should listen not just with our ears but with our whole mind and body. The cells of the body are conscious and react in their own way. Very few people can listen unambiguously and whole halfheartedly. I myself have some way to do.

In a way you could say that this diary entry itself is a bit incoherent but I’m just writing thoughts down as they occur to me and who knows I may be doing some sorting out for my own benefit but also I may help a reader of this in some small way to re orientate their own thinking processes.

As a useful post script I have just been reading a book about preaching, and I know that I wasn’t talking about preaching, but if we want to get a message across to someone in a fairly formal way I find this quote applicable which I got from a book about John Stott the preacher.

“the combination of the authoritative and the tentative, the dogmatic and the agnostic, conviction and open-mindedness, teaching the people and leaving them free to make up their own minds, is exceedingly difficult to maintain. But it seems to me to be the only way”


A damp and cloudy day. Nothing happening. No wind. The air is damp. The washing dries on the radiator and then becomes damp again when left around.

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1 Comment

  1. Steve Canby

    that is the gift of prophesy – includes dreams visions utterances (which is what YOU do) and ‘observed serendipity’.


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