A remarkable labour of love + lonely cellist in RUH hospital

by | Jan 14, 2025 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’m sick of hearing from the mainstream Media that the NHS is on its knees. Over the last few months I have had excellent service from my local hospital. Staff are polite, they take extra steps to explain everything, their admin is efficient and I have no cause for complaint.

I had to go back today for a cystoscopy examination (bladder area) just to make sure that a previous condition had not deteriorated. On the wall I saw this lovely embroidered artwork by a Nick Day which I have never seen before and must be unique

I cannot imagine what love and caring has been put into this work of art. Never mind that he spelled to late without the extra o. Just imagine the thought that went into compressing the whole experience of what is rather and unromantic situation and highlighting the key points.

That made a difference to my visit and I drew the attention of other waiting patients to it and they thanked me for showing it to them.

Whilst waiting for my appointment time yesterday afternoon I could not help noticing this rather haunting picture of someone playing a cello or is it a double bass. This is a part to realistic picture where she seems to be under some sort of dome, perhaps a church, and has a most unusual facial expression for someone who should be engrossed in the music that they are producing. Why is she looking to the side?

Is she trying to keep in tune with the conductor? Why does she look so haunted and joyless? I agree that every art work should ask a question and this certainly asks plenty of questions. I wonder what sort of life she has had. It looks like she has been suffering or is suffering and very definitely wants to make a point possibly about her own self-identity

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