Post inaugural meeting reflections + Endoscopy operation

by | Jan 22, 2025 | Personal development | 1 comment

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I’m writing this at 9.20pm after a very successful launch meeting for my new local writers group. It was obvious that over half the people were not local so we may re Christen it as a Somerset group of some sort but I’ve asked people to think about it.

Nine people were invited and seven attended which I suppose for a new venture is not bad.  I do wish the two people who hadn’t turned up could have done me the courtesy of apologizing either by email or text message.

Overall we had a successful meeting and I saw how important it was  to be with people on the same wavelength. There is an extra dimension somewhere which is lacking in the so-called flat landers.

I had my carefully prepared script but in the event did not need it as I spoke from the heart and told them about my experience and all my printing ventures and generally demonstrate that I was going to walk my talk and not mislead people or waste their time.

I discussed the importance of quantum entanglement and said that we need to have a collective consciousness which is greater than the power of the fear memes, the hatred, the ignorance, the anxiety, which is part of the ambient atmosphere these days.

It is quite clear that through getting together we can prepare each other for the adventure of writing whether it is a poem, a book, a pamphlet, a diary or a journal. We have so much knowledge and talent within us that is sitting in our deposit account because no one has engaged us with a genuine interest.

I believe that most people are functioning at little more than one percent of their creative capacity. We agreed to meet again in a fortnight’s time and I asked them to share their thoughts on what they wanted to see in the group, what projects they had, how they feel they could be helped, and what problems and handicaps stood in their way.

I learned at the meeting, or was reminded, how important laughter is an invigorator of the atmosphere.

We are greatly blessed with  a property that is welcoming particularly the front room which seems to have very nice vibrations and also benefits from a coal / wood fire. I said that the energy of the group would inspire people as an automatic by product by virtue of  being in the group and they would not necessarily have to ask if they wanted inspiration,

It might just come in the back door.


Endoscopy instrument but not a torture one

Prior to this, I left the house at 7:45 to attend the local Sulis Hospital in Peasedown to have an endoscopy. You can either have it down your throat which is completely out for me because I have a huge gag reflex, or you can have it down the nose commercial called nasal endoscopy.

The Doctor who saw me suggested the latter as I would not need an anesthetic, just a numbing jelly squirted down the nostrils. We arrived about ten past eight and oh by the way if there are any patients going to the hospital the parking is almost impossible and we’ve got one of the last few places.

At 8.15 I went down to the basement and was greeted by a very happy Filipino nurse or was she Brazilian sorry I can’t remember. She was so caring and conscientious and made sure I understood everything, and asked all the questions that she had to including am I allergic to anything.

I always tell people that I am allergic to cheap perfume because of the chemicals they put in it. The chemicals cause my throat to seize up so I can hardly breathe.

Anyway I was taken into the operating theater to be surrounded by the most sophisticated machines and I had to lie on my left side where upon the doctor pushed the tube right down my nasal passage right to the bottom of my stomach. There are some nerves in the stomach. I knew because I could feel the pointy end.

It’s an amazing small diameter instrument but it has the ability to collect biopsies and suck it up the tube to be collected. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes,  the doctor takes numerous images which were handed to me on a sheet of paper about 10 minutes afterwards, copy to my doctor.

About five or six staff were involved. That would have cost me at least a thousand pounds had I done it privately. I have great cause to be thankful for the NHS and I hope it goes on forever. Please take note Herr Starmer

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1 Comment

  1. Alan

    Congrats on a succesful meeting!


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