
A largely local day – chips and porridge

This is a day to celebrate local institutions. We had breakfast at the " Fat Boyz cafe" at Gravel Hill, Seldson, Croydon. Traditional menu, well cooked up market from the greasy spoon model, lots of local faithful customers, a waitress who is business like and with whom you do not mess. We saw a man and his son eating breakfast. The son was being very difficult about his food, he must have been...

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A ‘chance’ meeting – Wisdom from C G Jung – what is peace?

An interesting morning of synchronicity I had to take my car to the garage to attend to the tracking of the front wheels. One of these things you don't spot until it is too late and in my case where parts of my tyre were worn down to the metal. That definitely would not pass the MOT. After dropping off my car, I walked to the aforementioned Porky's cafe (do a search) and I noticed that as I...

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What is a catalyst? + the importance of assurance

Today, visit to the optician in Radstock to test my eyes in their post cataract state. New glasses required and I have to do without my regular glasses for two weeks. Without the NHS, I would be functionally blind and walking with a stick. Cataracts are horrible things. People look like ghosts and everything is blurry. My prescription involves more money, such is life.  I would have to be on...

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More thoughts on peace + more on conversation

Peace is not stasis. Peace is not 'doing nothing'. Peace is active, a dynamic.  We have a choice of two vectors, and only two. We can either do things to bring people together, or we can do things to cause people  to move apart. This is the core of what it means for us as human beings with free will. We can think of the idea of a moral compass. In other words what are our priorities? A clue is...

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Let’s Hear It for free flowing conversation!

Today in the Vineyard Church, We had what we call 'Super Sunday' which is a funny name for informal meeting and talking, with entertainment for the children but for adults to meet in small groups as they wish and converse not only about matters of faith but about how they have been getting on. We do have complete strangers coming along with their children and for them I suppose you could call it...

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Dealing with the media – What is a good person?

News, news Just when you thought the news couldn't get any worse, it does. I switched on the TV early, 07:10 actually, and apparently the Israelis have given the main hospital one hour to get everybody out and go to the south of the Gaza area. This includes people who are physically unable to get up from their beds. They have to walk in single file and this includes patients and doctors a...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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May 2024