Thursday 22 September 1664 …To the ‘Change at noon, and among other things discoursed with Sir William Warren what I might do to get a little money by carrying of deales to Tangier, and told him the opportunity I have there of doing it, and he did give me some advice, though not so good as he would have done at any other time of the year, but such as I hope to make good use of, and get a little money by…. Very much my ‘thought for the day’ BBC style. We may have a pressing problem and we call a friend or colleague for help. Do we ever pause to consider if the timing is good for them? Were they waiting by the phone for your call, all other matters cast aside or were they half way through dealing with at least four pressing matters with children screaming in the background the while? ***** My goodness, I did not realise what a rich day was in front of Francoise and myself when we set off for a round of art exhibitions, preceded by a visit to the historical museum in Radstock. Michael Eavis of Glastonbury fame was due to open an exhibition, the last of five temporary exhibitions in 2017, devoted to the historical side of Westfield, one of the three districts Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield. The event was due to open 11.30. We arrived well before and took the opportunity to look round the permanent exhibitions which tells the tale of old Radstock with particular regard to normal home life, and to coal production. We decided to join for a year. For around a fiver you can come in as many times as you like. Is that a bargain or what. I could have become a member for £12 p.a. There was a system of canals to enable the taking away of the local production of coal. Use Ctrl and the + key to view enlarged images. So in comes Michael. I get the impression this is not the first time he has opened an exhibition or a facility. Here is the video of his talk and the response from the museum committee. The poor old Mayor of Radstock was trying to explain aspects of the exhibition to Michael but he was obviously far more interested in talking to the people, to the Mayor’s frustration of his carefully prepared plan. On his way out, Michael saw an old friend and went over to give him a big bear hug. They chatted animatedly for some time. Michael is quite obviously a community man totally centred in people. He gives his time unsparingly and greets complete strangers as if he has known them all his life. This is a gift indeed. His laugh is infectious. ***** On the way to Priddy where there is a fun day, we visited Midsomer Quilting which is shortly to move a couple of miles as the crow flies to a unit adjacent to The Holy Cow, a trendy but noisy restaurant in the most unlikely spot. I wanted to go there to mourn the passing of the lovely intimate outlet which has done so much for quilting world-wide through sales and courses and the like. I was not alone. Everyone remarks on the warm and welcoming atmosphere of this establishment. This is where free coffee and biscuits is offered with a donation tin to Dorothy House by the side. It is the unspoken rule that you can chat to a complete stranger with complete confidence knowing that you have something ‘safe’ in common, namely a love of quilting and design. Next Monday 25th September it will close and will re-open supremely optimistically the same week on the Thursday. No pressure then. Watch this space. ***** the day continues in part two of this journal…… |
a sighting of Michael Eavis – a Thai massage – back to the 60’s in full 3D
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