A walk on the wild side

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I spent the morning making additions to my Corona website. What is truly shocking is the amount of wrong information the public are given. For example, the advice to stay indoors. This is the worst way of prolonging the effect of the virus. The best way is to be outside in the sun and the fresh air. The UK government have spent a lot of money trying to persuade us that going outside is that. Surely they have our best interests at heart? Had the government allowed the virus to run its course, like we do with the normal winter flu, it would have been well over by now and there would be no need for this ridiculous lockdown.

Anyway, this afternoon after lunch we went for a walk in a local quarry. There are lots of granite quarries in the area. The quarry we went to was closed in the early 1960s and nature has taken over. It is vast, but has a lovely walk by a stream with woodland that has not been touched for years if ever. The only intervention by humankind is to make sure that trees are not dangerous and fall on people and injure them. This is a picture essay of the day, we enjoyed nature at its best.

Shows the force of water when the river was in flood

this is where the trees have taken over, this was bare rock 40 years ago. the quarry is huge, it took us 30 min to walk from one end to the other

I think that must be mud in the stream

A very large tyre (US tire) going back to mother nature

Fields of young garlic. We shall come back in two weeks time and have a garlic feast, very good for making pesto

nature makes death beautiful

the sun sparkling on the water in this rippling part of the stream

We were trying to figure out what they were trying to do with this tree trunk, maybe trying to make a work of art out of it

The stream flows amidst the garlic

just a lovely picture with the light

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