Month: February 2019

Words of wisdom from Sir Bernard Ingham.

Yesterday, to a physiotherapist. I see I should have gone a couple of years ago after my big accident when I broke five ribs. Unbeknownst to me the ribs had gone out of alignment and I had been functioning at less than 100% ever since. A recent manifestation on a weak spot has caused a cascade of pain in my left rib cage and shoulders. I must now spend a considerable amount of time and money...

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calling 999 twice within four days does not happen

Calling 999 twice within four days does not happen.  Well, it did happen in my case. On Monday morning at about four o'clock I woke up with a stomach pain. Not the normal acidic pain but a heaviness and bloatedness that would not go away in spite of my taking medication. I write this, not to bore you to death, but to remind you that anything can happen at any time with even very healthy people...

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The annual Shepton Mallet snowdrop Festival

Nothing to do with snowdrops, but a quote jumped out at me from one of the many mailouts I get from Lee Abbey, which is a retreat centre in North Devon. I remember giving my life to Jesus there when I was about 15, far too young and naive to know what I was doing but it was a step in the right direction I feel. “Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be...

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not quite your typical Valentine’s Day schedule

  We decided to celebrate Valentine's Day by having a breakfast at our favourite restaurant in the middle of nowhere, Hartley's cafe bistro. Unfortunately I woke up very stiff in my ribs from my hitherto referred to accident but undaunted we set off and arrived shortly after 9 AM. We had requested a table next to the blazing wood fire which always adds so much to the atmosphere.  Francoise...

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Passing the time of day – Somerset style

I'm glad to say that my diary is not very full at the moment. Today I took out an advert for gardening, the means of our keeping on top of things financially, but basically we have been in hibernation, early spring cleaning, throwing out the material we don't need, and just generally 'being'. I quite like just sitting in front of the fire, yes it's a real one, and enjoying its warmth and feel....

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One of the most unfortunately run social events I have experienced

We decided to go on impulse to the local Valley Arts Centre meeting which had as its subject a talk by a BBC wildlife producer, and the young lady dubbed  Bird Girl who due to very fortunate parents with plenty of time and money to spare had introduced her to wildlife around the world. At the age of 16 she is probably a more traveled person than most adults. Surely a treat which for the most...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,466,178 words across 1,579 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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February 2019